Tripzzy – 1.0.9 Released

Tripzzy is dedicated to providing business owners in the travel sector with the features and resources they require to advance their travel enterprises.

As part of our ongoing dedication to development, we are happy to announce Tripzzy v1.0.9, the most recent version, which is packed with improvements, bug fixes, and new features.

Let’s explore the changes we’ve made in Tripzzy v1.0.9

New Features

1. Trip Slider Block

The Trip slider block provides a user-friendly interface for creating dynamic and interactive visual elements with Trip details on WordPress websites without requiring any coding skills. It helps users enhance the aesthetics of their site and improve user engagement by presenting trip content in a visually appealing and engaging manner.


1. Added Slider height in Slider Block

In the recent version of Tripzzy v1.0.9, we have added the height of the slider block to adjust the slider height as per the website’s need.

2. Added spacing supports in blocks.

New version comes with new changes, In the Search block, Trips block, and Trip Taxonomies block we have added margin and padding support in the blocks. Now, You can manage spacing in those blocks as per your need.


1. Markup Changes

We have changed the markups for the trips page and trips listing blocks. Changed the position of the title just below the image and then the price and ratings in the next line.

2. Body class added for tripzzy pages.

Added body class for Tripzzy checkout, search result, and dashboard page. It will help you to style your tripzzy page based on body class.


1. Qty field validation

With the recent update of Tripzzy v1.0.9, It comes with fixes of qty validation with -ve value. When adding trips into the cart it accepts the -ve value in past versions which is now fixed in this version.

2. Trip info shows N/A instead of empty

Now the text N/A will display if the info is not available. it was showing empty in previous versions.

3. Display found trips on the search result page

When we search trips via the search form, In the toolbar section besides the view more button, there is no text like `2 trips found`. It shows empty text. Now it will show the no of found trips when you search the trips.

4. Style – Search Block

The search block layout is updated in the recent update. Now we removed the border radius on all inputs. Instead of this, we place the radius only in the starting input and the button at the last of the search button.

5. Style – multi-select dropdown

We have updated the spacing, typography, and placeholder color in the multi-select dropdown in this version. With this new update, you’ll find the search filter section smoother instead of more gaps between label & input and other spaces as well. Before the current update, this section looks like a bulky design which is covered with this release.

6. Style – Review Layout

In the current update, we have removed the no of review text and average review text in the review display. Now the values are only visible in hover which is more convenient for the user to view reviews.

7. Form Style consistency

We kept the form layout consistent for all the forms like the Enquiry form, the checkout form, the search form, etc. Tripzy v1.0.9 is trying to keep consistency in spacing, color, and typography of the form elements.

8. Checkout page order info section

Fixed the sticky position top to fill the gap shown in previous versions. Now order info section is sticky at the top with the top position 4px. It will help to stick order info page at the top when we scroll the page.


Thank you for being part of the Tripzzy family.

We strongly advise updating your plugin in order to take advantage of the fantastic new features and bug improvements in Tripzzy v1.0.9. Prior to updating, don’t forget to make a backup of your website.

We therefore cordially welcome you to provide us with your ideas and opinions. We want to get better all the time, and your feedback is really helpful. In the next iterations, what additional features would you like to see?